VZW Zorgmassage

Improving the quality of life of people with cancer, other (chronic) diseases and stress

A caring massage is a gentle and safe massage that has been adapted to the needs of people with cancer, other (chronic) diseases, or stress. This relaxation massage, which is very soft, can be used in all phases of the disease process (during treatment, recovery, or palliative care) but also to relieve stress or burn-out-related health issues. A caring massage is not a cure, it’s complementary to the treatment. It acts on the central nervous system and brings relief. Health problems can be relieved and even sometimes prevented in a natural and comfortable way. 

Companies benefit from healthy employees as health is not only about problems but also about prevention. EURASIACORP is committed to the mental and physical health of its employees. Employees that feel well, perform well.

By doing business with EURASIACORP you also take part in our engagement to improve the quality of life of people with cancer, other (chronic) diseases, and stress or burn-outs!

VZW Zorgmassage is a non-profit support and information point and networking organization.

Its mission is to support the correct education of professional care masseurs because there is a lack of information concerning care massage and its benefits. Providing volunteers to hospitals and care homes, informing and convincing doctors and nurses, formalizing clinical trials about the effects and benefits of this type of massage, and much more.


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